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(Genesis 6-9)
Between the time that Adam and Eve lived and the period when Noah lived, the number of people on the earth had increased tremendously. The sad part is that most of the people who lived when Noah did were very wicked. In fact, the Bible says that man's thoughts were always evil. However, there was one righteous man, Noah, who obeyed God. God wanted to wipe out all of the wicked people on the earth, but chose to save Noah because of his righteousness. God told Noah that He was going to send a great flood to destroy the earth and all the evil people. He gave Noah instructions to build an ark so that Noah, his family, and some of the animals and birds would be kept alive. Noah built the ark and gathered his family and the animals into it just as God had commanded him to do. For forty days and forty nights the rain fell. All living creatures that moved on the earth except those in the ark died. After some time, when the floodwaters had receded, Noah, his family, and the animals were able to leave the ark. God put a rainbow in the sky and said that it was a sign of His promise to Noah and all living creatures for all time that He would never again destroy all life with a flood.

Abraham & His Descendants