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The Incredible Immune System A War Machine Ready to Fight

John Clayton

Just 20 years ago, scientists had only fragments of information about how the many cells that make up your immune system interact to protect you against disease. Through -advances is cancer research, scientists now believe more than 100 million immune cells exist. For every virus or bacterium, there seems to be an inumune cell specifically designed to hunt down and destroy it. -Mayo Clinic Health Letter Medical Essay, February, 1995, page 1.

The world in which we live is ruled by microscopic organisms. These small panicles of life are the real workhorses of all life. They help our bodies digest food; they aid our reproductive systems; they decompose our wastes, prepare our soil, purify our water, and supply nutrients to our animals. Sometimes, due to mutations or other changes, they attack our bodies, making us ill. As the quote from the Mayo Clinic above says, we have a carefully designed system in our bodies which elminates the microscopic organisms that would do us harm.

The complexity of this system is astounding. It begins with the cells that actually do the fighting. There are three basic types:

B and T Cells. These are white blood cells which recognize and coordinate an attack on specific invading microorganisms.

Phagocytes. These white blood cells eat up anything that is not wanted. One kind of phagocyte called a macrophage gets rid of worn out cells and debris.

Chemical Killers. These white blood cells release powerful chemicals that destroy microorganisms.

Each of these cells carries the same chemical identification card with a unique molecular pattern on it so that your immune system does not attack itself.

Your body has an elaborate defense system designed to stop microorganisms at all places where they might enter your body.

These include:

Tonsils and Adenoids--which contain immune cells that protect your respiratory system.

Spleen--which has immune cells that destroy organisms that have entered your blood stream.

Appendix and Peyer's Patches--which contain immune cells that enter through your digestive system.

Lymph Nodes--which house B and T cells.

Lymph Vessels--which transport immune cells to your blood and immune organs.

Bone Marrow--which makes immune cells.

Thymus--where white blood cells mature into T cells.

Even in our simplified explanation, it is obvious how sophisticated and elaborate this system is. An undamaged immune system can keep us healthy and free of disease, especially when cared for properly. David's statement takes on a special meaning with this knowledge of God's marvelous design. "I will praise thee Lord, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" --Psalm 139:14.

This article taken from: Does God Exist?, November/December 1995

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