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Other Evidences From Nature

John Clayton

Most of us have had some kind of an acquaintance with bears. If we have not seen them in the wild, we have seen movies about them-- both factual and fictional. Zoos always have a number of bears which are usually good attractions. As scientists study bears of all kinds, amazing facts come to light on how they live and the designs built into them to enable them to survive in some extreme climates. Consider the following:

Off-and-On Baby Techniques. Black and brown bears do not mate in the fall when fattening up for winter is a major concern Instead, they mate in late spring and early summer. Once the sperm meets the egg, the egg begins to divide and then it just stops, dropping into a state of suspended animation. It stays in this state for several months until the bears have gorged on fall food in preparation for winter. Once that is accomplished, the eggs resume their development into a baby bear.

Kidneys Lock Up. Most animals that hibernate wake up every so often to urinate and get rid of wastes. Black and brown bears go through their entire winter sleep without urinating. This is especially amazing when you consider the fact that their body temperature does not drop anywhere near as much as hibernating animals like ground squirrels. To continue to have fairly active body function and yet no removal of waste is amazing.

They Are All Cousins. 77 years ago, scientists recognized 86 species of bears. Today science recognizes just three. The design features we have mentioned are so universal that every one seems to agree they are all one. The problem is something like some anthropologists who tend to classify every hominoid as an exotic new species of man when, in reality, they are all one with racial variations explaining the differences.

Superbear. Bears are capable of smelling something that is 40 miles away, especially food sources. A 150 pound bear can move a 300 pound rock. Brown bears can run 40 miles per hour, and polar bears can swim 40 miles.

Like all animals, bears are designed in an incredible way to survive in the environment in which they live. Polar bears do not have white fur, but rather have translucent fur that conducts light to their skin. The incredible capacity of bears to live in hostile environments in very successful ways is a testimony to the brilliance of the design of their bodies. This design is beyond capricious accidental chance. God has designed life to live in incredible places in incredible ways.

This article taken from: Does God Exist?, Sept/Oct 1995

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